For now, here's a little treasure a friend posted to Facebook that I've been pouring over. I've heard a bit about The Uniform Project, but I haven't really lurked it until now. Here's the deets: This girl, my new hero and dream girl (the more and more I look at her I realize she's a mix of Flavia and Shannyn Sossamon, so yes, my dream girl), is wearing the same dress (well, really 7 versions of the same dress) every day for a year in order to raise funds for the Akanksha Foundation, which is a grassroots non-profit dedicated to bringing education to slum children in India. She accessorizes like mine and Flavia's love child would with random and donated goods from eBay and Etsy. Swoooooon. I want to be her. Plus, it's an awesome way to find new Etsy treasures, which is my current obsession. Flavs, let's just do this for fun next semester. Enjoy!

Anyway, eventually I'll share some pics of my train trip and a few of the treasures I picked up. To be honest though, I didn't really shop that much. A girl's gotta eat and drink iced coffee, ya heard?