Hey there!
Well, despite Leah and I being socially non-existent due to school and work, we decided to dust ourselves off and head to the Gainesville Fashion Week open casting-call to check out potential models and catch up with the old crew. The casting was held at Sharab Lounge last night. I'm not gonna lie, I felt pretty swanky sitting front row with my best friend pretending to be some sort of model critic or something. It was a lot of fun. We got to catch up with our friends from Wolfgang, and I got a lot of pictures of girls and guys who you should look forward to seeing, starting March 1st. Not only that, but people were rocking some sweet shoes that of course I snagged some pictures of.
Perhaps this was the highlight of the night:
Tim Tebow hearts The Tonnish Touch

Gainesville's hero was at the casting-call, in support of fashion I suppose. He was very friendly, more than willing to pose for a picture with us and answer our questions. Apparently "Timmy" got the memo about prepster chic, rocking a Lacoste button up, unknown jeans, and black leather dress shoes. Perhaps we'll see him around Gainesville fashion week?
There was a great turnout for the model casting. There were some real cuties out there. The contendors were not only attractive, but stylish too. Here are some pictures I took during the run-throughs. (Look out for familiar faces from previous blog posts.)
The Girls:
The Boys:
Yep, this really happened.
Here are some snapshots of us just hanging out and enjoying the evening:
Your's Truly
Matt, the ever-stylish owner of Wolfgang
Natalie and Carly
So, there were some serious shoe moments throughout the night! Here are some of mine and Leah's pics for most beautiful soles...
J'adore! And guess what, the cutie who was sporting these told me she got them at Urban Thread! Represent!!
Leah and I were mesmerized by these all night! Needless to say, the mule-wedge is in! This style is really beautiful and unique. I think they make your legs look longer. Leah will fill you in on what brand they were, I think I was too busy drooling to remember.
Peep-toe bootie, always a winner.
Leah and I almost roofied our friend Natalie so that we could get our hands on these amazing lace up boots. Unfortunatly, a felony isn't a cute accessory. Oh, and those adorable satin platforms in the corner belong to Leah!
I know this was a long post, but I really hope that it got some of you excited for Gainesville Fashion Week! If I'm not mistaken, it is set to begin on March 1st. I am so excited because I think that this will be a great chance for Gainesville to embrace it's style and the fashion community that we have here. It exists!! Despite the fact that it will be taking place during a mid-term week (the week before Spring break), The Tonnish Touch will be covering everything that we can. And don't worry, Leah and I will have behind the scenes deets as well because we are making sure that we will be involved in the process of putting this week together. There is still a lot of work to do but as soon as we find out more information about events and venues we will let you know.
Thanks again for reading! Leah and I love writing this blog so much and we appreciate everyone who takes the time to read it. Let us know your thoughts!