Hey there!
Well, between school and our two jobs, Leah and I are constantly blogging and shopping, searching for new inspirations. We really want our blog to flourish. Being so busy these days, you can really get stuck in a fashion rut sometimes, but here are some of my findings that hopefully you will enjoy too:

Fashion Books:
Both of these are in my Amazon.com shopping cart as we speak. Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen's long anticipated book is finally available, and if you lurk sneak peaks online it's really irresistible. I think fashion is all about inspiration and experimentation, and the twins exemplify this through the gorgeous imagery in their book.
For all of you Style.com fanatics out there, their own Candy Pratt's book is full of images of gorgeous accessories that are not only aesthetically beautiful, but also very artistically inspired.

Wearing Tights Under Everything:
It's been surprisingly nippy in Gainesville recently. If you're like me and still want to sport your onesies, high waisted skirts, and shorts, then just throw a pair of opaque or patterned tights on under your signature pieces and not only will you feel adorable, but people can still admire your legs while not having to lurk your goosebumps. I really love how a temperature drop can lead to great fashion experimentation. Mix textures and colors!

Marc Jacobs & Louis Vuitton:
So impressive. I almost bought this gem of a film on impulse at the MJ boutique in soho last year with Leah, but it was around $35 dollars so.....no. Thank the fashion heavens for Netflix. This documentary is fantastic because it really makes you appreciate the creative process that goes into putting together collections. If you've ever said to yourself "Why is high fashion so damn expensive?!", then watch this. Not only will you have an epiphany as to how talented Marc Jacobs really is (and how surprisingly hot he is), but you'll make a separarate savings account for your own LV gear. Thanks to our reader who recommended it a few posts ago, you were so right!

Why is the Euro such a strong form of currency? I should know that from macroeconomics but what I just don't understand is why I can't dress in Topshop merch every day. Their collections are so on point with what's hot right now. Essentially, everything that is on your mental fashion wishlist you can find at Topshop. I might have to splurge...
Check out their look book
Hopefully you've been intrigued. Some things to look forward to: Mine and Leah's shredded tee adventure. I'm really interested in writing more posts about fashion finds for girls and guys on a budget. It's difficult having Louboutin and Marc Jacobs dreams with minimal funding, I know first hand. So I'll be looking out for must-haves that you can actually look forward to owning. Just a reminder: please wear your cutest outfits to school and around town so that Leah and I can take your pictures. We are in desperate need of more Street Style material! Comment on any of your own interesting fashion findings or projects, we'd really like to get to know what our readers are interested in. Good luck with school/work/life <3