Well, I was supposed to get my hair cut today, but thank goodness the appointment was pushed back until tomorrow because I honestly have no idea how I want to style my hair! I've had a girly pixie for about a year now, but this time I think I want something a little edgy, perhaps slightly androgynous. I think it will contrast well with my obnoxiously girly wardrobe. I've grown out a long, poofy front section but my hair is so thick that the sides just make my hair look like a helmet. I've searched high and low for hair inspiration and here are some of my findings. Let me know what you think is cute, I'm in desperate need of input! Also, I'm open to any suggestions and ideas.

Well, I know this might sound crazy but I am obsessed with Spock's haircut!! My boyfriend and I have seen Star Trek twice now and are becoming creepily obsessed with Trekie fashion. I think a modified version of Spock's coif, maybe with longer, more feathery bangs, would be pretty neat. I love the idea of having a structural haircut, I'm just worried that my hair texture wouldn't work. Do you guys think that this hair style is too silly for real life?? I don't know, I just love it!

I don't really know who Sarah Harding is, maybe a model or something? But I do know that she's had some pretty great short hairstyles. She's even sported the previously mentioned
Spock! I like that her hair looks long and side-swept in the front but really short and choppy in the back. Her hair may be too thin compared to mine though. Thoughts?

Karla is perhaps my favorite fashion blogger. It's funny because she and I have gone through nearly identical hair phases. We both started out with asymmetrical bobs, and now are going as short as can be. Her latest style is this amazing girly mohawk. I love the shaved sides and I feel like it would completely solve my "helmet-head" issues. I just don't know if this hair would leave me wanting more to play around with? I think it looks really amazing though. I think it is one of my favorite options.

Who doesn't love Agyness D.
Shes had so many crazy hairstyles. I really love this sleek pixie, but I kind of feel like this is the exact same
haircut I got about a month ago.

I like Kiera's messy cut. I think that the long pieces layered over the really short ones look super textured and cool. I wonder if it would work on me?
All in all, I am mainly torn between Spock and Karla. I want to go for a drastic change and I really love both of these styles. I may just leave it to Ashley to create something for me, because I just can't come to a decision. What do you guys think?? Please let me know, I have until 5 pm tomorrow to make up my mind. Pick something out that will make me look tonnish : )