Really though, what feels better than finding something beautiful at a thrift store?
As I come to realize that I am actually an 80 year old woman trapped in an (almost)20 year old body, I become more and more obsessed with piling on vintage baubles and accessories over my high-waisted skirts and lace blouses. Here are a few of my recent vintage treasures that are taking over my accessory repertoire:

One of the first things that I do when I wake up is put at least 3 accessories on each arm.
The buckle bangle is from a random vintage jewelry shop along the highway, the tulip bracelet is actually from Persona vintage! I got it on Fashion's Night Out. The contoured ring is another thrift store find.

Do you ever find a pair of shoes that you think are so cute that you don't want to wear them? This is one of mine. They are an Urban Thread find. The perforation is so adorable, totally granny. They're sitting atop my beautiful vintage picnic basket, fully equipped with the plates, cutlery, and tumblers fit for a romantic picnic for two.

Wicker basket + needlepoint embroidery = my dream bag!
I found this antique beauty at Loop de Loop a little while back and I am simply obsessed. I love that it is extremely structured and I can manage to squeeze in all of my lipstick options, iPhone, wallet and even a rolled up cardigan. It is also perfect for sneaking snacks into movie theaters.
Hope you enjoyed the vintage eye-candy. Have you acquired any of your own lately?
Also, I am in DESPERATE need of more hair advice! I am getting my hair cut for the first time in forever this Saturday and I have no idea what to do! This is purely out of necessity, because I am completely uninspired at the moment. If you have any suggestions for cool short hair ideas, holla at mee!